Quantum Leap in Gear Noise Evaluation 

KTEPS Kinematic Transmission Error Prediction Software offers a revolutionary method of showing tooth flank surface deviations in relation to their orders, for simple and fast gear noise evaluation.

Unique Approach to Gear Noise Evaluation

Using topographical data of all teeth to detect tooth flank waviness, KTEPS features a unique approach to the visualization of inspection results and the respective evaluation of gear noise.

Surface Deviations in Relation to Orders

By calculating the transmission error of the analytically measured gear topography, KTEPS offers the functionality to extract tooth waviness from the tooth flank, revealing the basis of bad noise behavior in a 3D, easy-to-understand false color chart.

The Easiest Way to Reduce Gear Noise

Tracing the source of tooth flank waviness to a specific machine, which had produced the analyzed gear, understanding the cause, and being able to adjust/correct the respective process to actually reduce gear noise, makes gear noise analysis truly valuable.

Inspection at Nano Level

New GMS® nano Gear Metrology Systems make a difference. With submicron gear inspection and GAMA KTEPS gear noise analysis tools, the new GMS nano series meets next level gear noise detection demands.





