日期 | 2022.11.02. - 2022.11.03. 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm |
位置 |
语言 | 英语 |
等级 | 特殊 |
加工程序 | 设计软件 |
供应商 | KISSsoft AG |
課程長度 | 2 sessions of 4 hours each plus approx. 2 hours for exercises |

Bolt Calculation
The main subject of this special training is the application of KISSsoft for the bolt calculation according to the VDI 2230 guideline. This guideline represents a frequently used method for the verification of different criteria such as static and dynamic strength or safety against gliding.
The training will take place in 2 Live Stream Sessions on 2 consecutive days. Between the 2 sessions, please reserve approx. 2 hours time to work individually on the exercises.
For participants in Europe:
November 02, 2022: CET 02:00 pm - 06:00 pm (Brussels)
November 03, 2022: CET 02:00 pm - 06:00 pm (Brussels)
For participants in parts of Americas:
November 02, 2022: EST 08:00 am - 12:00 pm (New York)
November 03, 2022: EST 08:00 am - 12:00 pm (New York)
The training is suitable for both, beginners and advanced KISSsoft users. No previous knowledge of KISSsoft is required.
The theory of the VDI 2230 (part 1, partially part 2) is introduced to enable the participants to understand the necessary terms and correlations. On KISSsoft side, various connection configurations such as single bolts under longitudinal and lateral force or flange connections are considered. The database with its possibilities to enter own bolts and materials is shown. Exercises are carried out to get acquainted with the sequence of the calculation process.
The full schedule is provided in the training program.