日期 | 2020.6.25. 8:30 am - 12:00 pm |
位置 |
语言 | 英语 |
等级 | 特殊 |
加工程序 | 设计软件 |
供应商 | KISSsoft AG |
參加人數 | max.8 |

KISSsys, part 3: Model Customization
KISSsys is a powerful tool to model and analyze entire transmission groups.
The KISSsys training consists of 3 individual parts that build on each other. Part 3 deals with the customization of finished models including the import and export possibilities. Participants will also see how to run KISSsys without using the graphical user interface.
The training will take place as Live Stream Session.
June 25, 2020: CET 08:30 am - 12:00 pm (Brussels)
The training is meant for design engineers and everybody who likes to calculate gearboxes using a system tool. In order to participate in this training course, participants should have a basic knowledge of KISSsys or should have participated in part 1 (Modeling of Gearboxes).
The third part of the training focuses on the customization of a finished model in KISSsys.
At the beginning, the modification and extension of existing tables in the software will be shown and the creation of own interfaces will be explained. As a next step, the terminology of the interpreter language ClassCad in KISSsys will be presented and functions will be programmed which can be very useful for daily usage. This will include applications like how to read a file and fill up variables or how to export user defined results in a specific format. This special training will be completed with an example on how to run KISSsys in batch mode by controlling a model with a script file.
The full schedule is provided in the training program.
Registration will close on Friday, 19th June 2020. Before the start of the training, participants will receive a test version, electronic training documentation and a link with information to join the Live Stream training.