Fundamentals of Cylindrical Gear

技术 齿轮设备, 计量, 刀具
等级 基础
加工程序 齒輪製程理論
课程代码 C-GGA53
課程長度 1 day
參加人數 3-8 / Online 50
Training Location 在线培训, 克雷塔罗,墨西哥, 慕尼黑,德国
Price Tags Price on Request

Fundamentals of Cylindrical Gear

Basic understanding of the fundamentals of involute gear geometry, nomenclature, manufacturing and inspection of gears.



▪ Gear Types.
▪ Gear Ratios.
▪ Involute Gear Geometry.
▪ Gear Tooth Systems.
▪ General Formulae.
▪ Mathematics.

Gear Inspection

▪ Function
▪ Chart Interpretation

Tool Design

▪ Use and Maintenance


Upon Completion

A certificate is issued with successful completion.



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This class is also available online. Online classes are conducted in sessions with max. 2.5 hours per session, per day, including breaks. Sessions can be chosen as required, either on consecutive days or based on a reoccurring weekly schedule. We use “Zoom“ as video conferencing and presentation platform. 
