Sep 6, 2019
The Gleason Academy offers worldwide training and seminars for the gear industry. The key to success in any business is an organization committed to continuous learning. Depending on the job requirements, Gleason offers training classes ranging from gear design to manufacturing and inspection relevant across a variety of industries. Training courses generally incorporate both theoretical principles as well as the practical applications in the world of gearing. The Gleason Academy has been expanded to now include KISSsoft® gear and transmission design classes.
Gleason Training Classes are conducted at 13 global training locations, external training facilities or on request at the customer's site. Selected classes are also offered online. In order to make it easier to select training classes of interest, new functions have been added to the training section of the Gleason website ( More than 130 training classes can now be easily found by search filters and directly requested via a shopping cart system. Participation in seminars and classes can be booked directly on our website, including the convenient booking of multiple training classes in a single shopping session.
Gleason is a global leader in gear technology solutions. Our mission of Total Gear Solutions ranges from the development and sale of gear design software to the development, manufacture and sale of gear production machinery, tooling and related accessories, metrology equipment, automation solutions and plastic gears. The Company’s products are used by customers in automotive, truck, aircraft, agriculture, mining, energy, construction, power tool and marine industries and by a diverse set of customers serving various industrial equipment markets. Gleason has manufacturing operations in the United States, Brazil, Germany, Switzerland, India, China and Japan, and has sales and service offices throughout North and South America, Europe and in the Asia-Pacific region. More information about Gleason Corporation is available at
Gleason is a registered trademark of Gleason registered in the U.S. and other countries. KISSsoft is a registered trademark of Gleason Switzerland AG. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
For further information please contact:
Christian Albrecht, Director Global Marketing
Gleason Corporation